'Base Deep' side table
Do you love color, but at the same time want to maintain an understated look in your home? Then DEEP is the perfect match for you. With a KINK in the color DEEP, you give a statement, but a stylish statement!
This KNIK is our smallest powerhouse. Despite its modest size, the BASE makes a big statement in any room. Perfect as an accent piece. Small, but with a big effect! And did you know that the BASE and CUBE were made for each other? This is because the BASE can be placed under the CUBE. With a CUBE x BASE combination, you can expand a table modularly and use it as a whole, but you can also use the KNIKS separately. If you are interested in a SET, lucky you! When purchasing a SET: CUBE x BASE, it's cheaper!
product specifications
Length: 31 cm
Width: 30 cm
Height: 29 cm
Thickness: 0.8 cm
This KNIK is suitable for loads up to 7 kg.
Original KNIKS have a KNIKSTUDIO logo.
instructions & information
We advise